Note to the Chicago Tribune

Does John Kass have an editor?  Because he needs one:


The FBI brought in a forensics team, some of whom had worked sifting through the mass graves in the Balkans, and it will take months to sort it out, and match bone to bone.

With Alvarez and Dart there, I thought I might see another prominent politico with 19th Ward Democratic organization connections: Illinois Comptroller Dan Hynes.

A few years ago Hynes campaigned on cemetery rip-offs and made news splash after news splash about abuses in what he calls the “death care industry.” He vowed to fight them. His Web page is full of such vows.

Though Hynes’ office is responsible for the oversight of privately owned cemeteries like Burr Oak, he wasn’t at the news conference. His office said he has oversight but little legal authority to enforce cemetery upkeep.

Perhaps Hynes was busy making plans to get into the U.S. Senate race. Sen. Roland “Tombstone” Burris, who cozied up to disgraced former Gov. Rod Blagojevich for the Senate appointment, has apparently decided to drop out of politics.

It’s too bad Dan Hynes wasn’t there.


First, being cynical is fine, but not at the expense of facts.  The fact is the Comptroller has very few powers over cemeteries.  It’s not even clear that he has any authority over Burr Wood.  He only has limited authority over those that sell pre-need products.  Even if Burr Oak does sell such products, he has very little power to enforce the law.  Why?  Because the industry wanted it like that.

Second, Hynes announced he was looking at the Governor’s race yesterday. It was in my e-mail box.  Perhaps the Tribune could have helped Kass get some basic information correct before he mailed in another crappy column.  Instead of shedding some light on the crappy regulation system, Kass goes for cheap cynicism.

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