If, by no one, you mean no one who has Google or knows how to use the search engine at the Keyes Renew America site. The dude isn’t just prone to saying crazy things, he’s proud that he does it and posts it.
One could easily look up Jake Weisberg’s articles on the 2000 Republican Presidential debates, or Jake Tapper’s piece when Keyes exploded after the press. One could have called Mike Murphy, a GOP strategist who points out that he was a loon in 1996.
Alan Keyes has been a longstanding joke in political circles for years, the problem is that the insulated clowns at the Leader and those in ultra-religious right circles never bother to check what is going on in the rest of the world. Keyes has made a career out of being a loud, obnoxious twit who stakes out the right wing of the right wing. Then, when he fails, he blames it on the press in fits or says that people are racists who don’t like him.
What has occurred wasn’t just predictable, I predicted it. Start at August 2nd and you’ll notice that this is occurring exactly as I expected.
Now, the Leader has good reason to protect itself–Dan Proft, Leader Publisher, and a guy close to 2006 Gubernatorial Candidate to be Patrick O’Malley, was a key force behind the Keyes disaster. Closely followed by the ever obtuse State Senator Syverson and a guy I used to respect, Steve Rauschenberger. They all drank the kool aid and cynically thought a ‘real’ conservative could take this race on and tarnish Obama if nothing else (Austin Mayor is correct on this). With a little help from Jack Roeser the plan got set in motion even as moderates tried to stop it when they realized these nutjobs were serious about Keyes.
The lameness of that editorial is just amazing putting it into the context that the Leader expects the moderates to work for Keyes, when Keyes won’t work for any candidates who are pro-choice. Now, no one who is pro-choice, or sane, wants Alan Keyes stumping for them, but the hypocrisy is stunning.
Cross is running one of the most open caucuses Illinois has seen in a while. Blaming him for some sort of litmus test would be, no, check that, is assanine.