News Media—Irate Voters–mind telling them who is doing it?

It’s getting worse on the robo-call front–someone–anyone cover this story in depth–please.

And btw, I had a Common Sense Ohio phone call today–though nothing on baby experimentation.

0 thoughts on “News Media—Irate Voters–mind telling them who is doing it?”
  1. That cannot possibly be true.
    Dennis Byrne in today’s Chicago Tribune states that it is the Democrats who are doing that, and he doesn’t mention that Republicans might be guilty of obnoxious behavior.
    And since Dennis Byrne is always a very truthful and non-partisan guy, that must be true.

  2. LOL. He really is a fun strawman to kick around isn’t he.

    The funny thing is I’m happy to acknowledge Dems do really stupid things like this, just never as coordinated and widespread. I had a friend have it done in a primary against him. But that wasn’t the national committee doing it.

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