Kevin McCullough joins us on the right hand side. Not my typical advertiser, but hey, I’ve always said, most advertisers will get posted. Please take a look at his site and feel free to criticize him–I do quite frequently, but do it civily. Kevin was the recipient of an e-mail that was sent with my address and responded to him in a profane and inarticulate way. So if you criticize Kevin for some content you find over there, do it in an articulate and non-profane way. If you are a fan of Kevin, please do the same for me.

2 thoughts on “New Advertiser”
  1. Someone is selling over at ebay. As you know, Jon Corzine a popular Democratic Senator from New Jersey who is running for governor of that state. Rich, popular and likely running against a right-wing extremist, he should easily win. Right now the domain name is at $9.99 with “Democratvin” as the top bidder. Let’s hope this is really a Democrat and not some Republican out to do real damage to Corzine with that web domain. Here’s the link:

  2. Sorry this is off topic but please read, if you haven’t already, this morning’s Washington Post article describing how the voting “the foul-ups appeared particularly acute in Democratic-leaning districts, according to interviews with voters, poll workers, election observers and election board and party officials, as well as an examination of precinct voting patterns in several cities.”



    with brown paper bag in hand…

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