Rich Miller in today’s Capitol Fax runs down a split between national leadership and local leadership in the GOP over Ryan:
Washington insiders continued to publicly support Ryan yesterday. A mostly pro-Ryan article in The Hill yesterday quoted Washington, DC Republicans as saying that Illinois GOP leaders ought to butt out of their business.
“Congressman LaHood is out of line,” said Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA), who is chairman of the Senate Republican Conference. Santorum was referring to comments made by Ray LaHood that Ryan should drop out.
The Hill even quoted from a list of supporters that Ryan produced, which
included one group that just about nobody has ever heard of, the Virtue PAC out of Kankakee County.Today’s edition appears to ignore the whole thing, even though Ryan is in DC
for another scheduled fundraiser.* Local leaders seemed unconcerned about criticism by Washington politicians..
Cook County Republican Chairman Gary Skoien was highly critical of Ryan
yesterday, as was state GOP money bags Ron Gidwitz.Even DuPage County Republican Chairman Kirk Dillard had some unkind remarks for Ryan. State Sen. Dillard had, up until yesterday, attempted to avoid the controversy. ABC-7 reported last night that DuPage precinct committeemen were ordered to stop campaigning for Ryan.
Other reports came in that a GOP chairman in downstate Pike County had ordered Ryan signs pulled from the county fairgrounds, where Ryan was scheduled to appear but has now been disinvited. Several county chairmen said yesterday they don’t want Ryan to come to their areas.
The Republican US Senate nominee in 2002, Jim Durkin, said he thinks Ryan
should drop out, as did a handful of people on the GOP State Central Committee
Why the different reactions? In DC every wants to circle up the wagons and fight an ideological fight. In Illinois. that’s the Party’s meal ticket you are tampering with and it’s personal–he lied to several local folks.
Losing the DuPage committee people is pretty much the end whether Ryan realizes it or not.
Capitol Fax also has good stuff on the special session, but that is for subscribers so pony up if you are a big junkie or in the business.