National Journals Political Insiders Poll

The press is in some alternate world that makes it sound like Clinton has a serious chance at the nomination. Funny enough, Democratic and Republican party insiders are far more realistic (subscription required)

Q: Who is most likely to capture the Democratic presidential nomination?

Democrats (88 votes)

                        Now             3/8/08
Hillary Rodham Clinton  17 percent      46 percent
Barack Obama            82 percent      53 percent
Neither (volunteered)    1 percent       1 percent

Republicans (89 votes)

                        Now             3/8/08
Hillary Rodham Clinton  17 percent      50 percent
Barack Obama            80 percent      46 percent
Neither (volunteered)    3 percent       4 percent

On electability:

Q: Which Democratic presidential candidate would do better against John McCain in November?

Democrats (88 votes)

Hillary Rodham Clinton  45 percent
Barack Obama            50 percent
Both (volunteered)       5 percent

Republicans (89 votes)

Hillary Rodham Clinton 55 percent

Barack Obama 42 percent

Both (volunteered) 3 percent

The Democratic group has 88 members meaning about 15 think Clinton will win. Of those in the group there are members of both campaigns, but to give you an idea of where the 15 come from, Terry McCauliffe, Harold Ickes, Mike Henry, Tony Podesta, Bruce Reed, Doug Sosnick, Steve Richetti, Gerald McEntee, Mame Reilly, JoDee Winterhof, Bonnie Campbell, and Laura Hartigan are all included and that’s just from skimming the list. If you aren’t familiar with them they are Clinton employees, Hillraisers, or close allies. IOW, from a list of 88 people, 15 think Clinton can win and just a cursory look shows 12 who are a part of the campaign. No one, and probably even some in the campaign, thinks she can win the nomination.

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