Mark Halperin Meets a Real Journalist

Claims Lynn Sweet got her secrecy column on Obama from Clinton Researchers

Mark Halperin is a miserable fucking excuse for a journalist.

Lynn Sweet has been taking Obama to task on transparency for some time. In fact, the first column I noted was on September 10, 2004. I have a few more references interspersed at this search, but that isn’t even all of the columns/posts she has done on Obama and transparancy.
There are a couple cases where I think she was being a bit nitpicky, but mostly I cannot disagree with her. Obama has said he wants to run a more open campaign and she’s doing a straight up story on whether he’s meeting his own goals. The best was probably when she tracked down Bill Burton’s office before the campaign had even created a campaign office.

Sweet does something Halperin might consider doing–she looks up facts and then reports them.

One thought on “Mark Halperin Meets a Real Journalist”
  1. but…but…but…Matt Drudge rules our world…and facts aren’t relevant…if it feels right, it must be.

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