Machine Rumors for the Presidential Candidates

While the Illinois Democratic Machine is often made out to be a singular body of movement, this is a poor representation of a body that has a variety of factions fighting for the upperhand. Groupthink is probably a better term for way consensus is reached and the groupthink around Presidential candidates is interesting.

People working in politics in Chicago seldom get out right statements about who is good to support, instead leaving little clues about who is favored. So one might say that he is going to an Edwards fundraiser and receive a non-committal nod, sorta like that is interesting. Or one might mention Gephardt and get an approving nod.

And, of course, there are no shortage of rumors who the Machine Leaders think are the best Presidential Candidates such as Daley’s supposed affinity towards Howard Dean, while thinking that Kerry has the best shot in the general election.

Who knew, Da Mayor could write for most national publications.

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