Lowering the Standards

Watergate has been used to append gate to all sorts of scandals, but I tend to think that a plan to essentially undermine the checks and balances of the United States government would then be used to modify fairly serious scandals and not, some guy made a web video and is marginally tied to some campaign. Apparently Hotline on Call disagrees

Reserve the circumstances of de Vellis-gate just a bit. Let’s say an employee at a major Bush vendor or a major Clinton vendor was caught engineering a stunt like this. The presumption of innocence would be gone. The press would treat the matter as it were a real scandal.

US Attorneygate works, especially given the lame executive privilege claim is about as ludicrous as Nixon’s when he tried to invoke it–though to be fair, nearly all President’s try and push the issue and few have any merit. Bush and Nixon have just taken the argument to the extreme. Let’s save the ‘gates’ for serious scandals.

And, ummm…Swift Boat Vets for the Truth wasn’t the same situation? And how many press outlets pointed out just how close to the Bush campaign the SBVT’s were?

One thought on “Lowering the Standards”
  1. de Vellis is a non-issue — just a young man exercising what remains of his freedom of speech. God bless ‘im for giving voice to what moderate liberals are thinking about Clinton. I just blogged about it at http://www.moderateliberal.com. If he has caused Dems to ask themselves, why this rush to crown Big Sister Clinton, he has done the party a service.

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