Calpundit points out the demographic questions that Lott asks and I’m even more confused.

Lott claims there are 36 categories of demographics he uses to weight the respondents. The demographics collected include area code, gender, race and age by decade. And this is a real question–what are the 36 categories. I don’t have the book handy so maybe this is bloody obvious and I’m just being obtuse. Assuming the demographics are brokend down area code would be one category (?), gender two, race-four, and age by decade 7 or 8. The math doesn’t make any sense.

I don’t understand how one can reconcile 36 categories to those questions. Either there are more categories or less. Or am I missing something? I could be missing something, but I don’t know what.

This matters because he says that the 36 categories were used for weigting.

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