Let’s Try It Again: Open Comments for IL-5 Cattle Call

Some jackass got himself impeached and this feature has been put to the wayside consistently. So, let’s hear from everyone how they see the IL-5 Special Election.  I do reserve the right to moderate delusional Pulido supporters (meaning all Pulido supporters).

Here are our Democratic Candidates:
Sara Feigenholtz
John Fritchey
Charles Wheelan
Victor Forys
Pete Dagher
Jan Donatelli
Frank Annunzio
Carlos Monteagudo
Paul Bryar
Roger Thompson
Tom Geoghegan
Cary Capparelli
Mike Quigley
Patrick O’Connor

0 thoughts on “Let’s Try It Again: Open Comments for IL-5 Cattle Call”
  1. I don’t think the paper endorsements are going to be worth much….

    Feigenholtz and Fritchey are 1-2 and thisclose. Fritchey moves up if the papers start actually reporting on Feigenholtz’ goofball Alfred E. Neuman survey and key absences.

    I see Quigley as a close 3, but he and Feigenholtz split too many demographics.

    …Wheelan’s running a great outsider campaign and has some interesting things going on, but I don’t see him going too far in the primary. Tom Geoghegan seems to have virtually disappeared in what has been a quiet race already. And the rest … ?

  2. It’s very hard to tell about this race. There hasn’t been much press coverage, there’s been lots of distractions and the frontrunners aren’t all that separable ideologically. It’s hard to bet against identity politics, and Feigenholtz may win with votes from women, but there are a lot of factors that could change things — weather, last minute endorsement, Blago going psycho…

    It will be interesting.

  3. The special election will be won by Rosanna Puldio, the founder and director of the Illinois Minuteman Project. Many voters think that their last two congressmen, Rahm Emanuel and Rod Blagojevich, were corrupt and liberal. To show that they support a big change, they’ll elect the only conservative, in the race. Please read her website, http://www.rosannpulido2009.com.

  4. Hey champ, your link is wrong.

    Your robotic pimping of Rosanna Pulido has exposed you as stupid. Might as well get the link right at least.

  5. Kind of like Rush doesn’t understand Ctrl-F, Ctrl-C seems to be beyond their capabilities. It must really take some time to SPAM the tubes if you have to type it in new every time.

  6. Either Phl Clolins is fudging some vowels or teh Internets don’t accept the Spanish accent marks on her name…

    What is is that conservative blowhards are always yelping about Jewish folks who vote Democratic … something about self-loathing … ? (And why do I get the impression Phil and Rosànna won’t get the reference?)

    If you’re going to be a carpetbagging infopimp for her, have the common courtesy to learn how to spell her name Phil. 🙂

  7. Despite the inane excuses for endorsement editorials from the two major newspapers, I remain convinced that John Fritchey will win the Democratic Primary on March 3 and crush the Republican and Green Party nominees on April 7. Fritchey is the only candidate with significant voter strength throughout the district.

    Most of his Democratic opponents and their supporters act as if the progressive enclaves in the 43rd and 44th Wards comprised the entire 5th Congressional District. Such is not the case; the western half of the district is far more conservative and pragmatic, and has strong ties to the Regular Democrats (and a corresponding aversion to the “goo-goos” who are pushing the candidacies of Feigenholt, Quigley and Geoghegan).

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