Let’s Review Commenting

It’s fine to post support for someone, but you only get to do it as one identity.  I will delete comments made by the same IP with different identities.  If you change from time to time that isn’t so bad, but in the same day or same thread, not cool.
Second, the only other thing I take very seriously is if a campaign is being dishonest about posting.  If you want to post anonymously–go for it–keep one identity if you do.  But don’t pretend to be a random person when posting from blahblah2008.com.  Just make the point without setting yourself up as some sort of random person who just happen to have heard about Candidate blahblah.
Other than that–your IPs and identities are perfectly safe.

16 thoughts on “Let’s Review Commenting”
  1. […] That same Archpundit post was also promptly invaded by “Jerry Bennett” concern trolls which is odd since Mr. Bennett, mayor of Palos Heights, endorsed Dan Lipisnki for Congres so no one can figure out why the heck he’s now running against the guy he endorsed. It’s not like Mayor Bennett has any positions he’s running on… Hmm, I wonder. Blogroll […]

  2. I would like to be on record supporting Archpundit moving from wherever he lives to the 14th CD. Hastert is old news, and here we need someone with wit, wisdom and intelligence to lead.

    in other words – PLEASE SAVE US FROM CHRIS LAUZEN!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Wow, Thank You Arch Pundit. I was really interesting that all of the response were on the same day. I saw Pera at a community event two month ago in Mt Greenwood but when I got home my wife said she had saw that he was answering question on his blog. I never understood how he did but he must have hired a computer person to write for him.

    He must have a staff writing all of his views for him. Do not completely understand how you can say you are in your office communicating with the voter and be out walking in Mt Greenwood handing out cards? Seeing Pera’s writing staff likes to post here I would like to hear how this is done.

  4. ===Seeing Pera’s writing staff likes to post here I would like to hear how this is done.

    It wasn’t Pera or his staff. It was someone supporting Bennett. I think it has been taken care of.

    Having met Mark before he had a staff, I can verify he has his own thoughts. More problematic is that he doesn’t have a blog on his site.

  5. So it was bennett staff writing from Pera’s web site blog?? Do not know how well Bennetts staff would do this but seeing you are on Pera’s staff you would know!

    Thank You for responding so quickly. Let see what can I ask you??

    So how much money has Mark raised in the state of IL.?
    Fact most of the money is raised outside of IL.

    Why did Pera give to Lip. SR. campain?
    Fact: He was part of the orginization and still is!!

    Why is Pera running for Congress?
    Fact he was pissed off because to Lip. family would not recommend him for judge ship.

    Not fact but my comment: The Lip. family must have know something about Pera not to recommend him.

    Why was Pera in Mt. Greenwood while his staff was blogging for him?
    Fact: his is part of the orginization and can not be trusted!!!!!!

  6. ===So it was bennett staff writing from Pera’s web site blog?? Do not know how well Bennetts staff would do this but seeing you are on Pera’s staff you would know!

    No, I said the post was in reference to someone supporting Bennett.

    I’m not on Pera’s staff, and you can check the campaign finance records to double check this. The only formal relationship I have is they paid for the blog ad in the upper lefthand corner. Again, this is verifiable.

    ===So how much money has Mark raised in the state of IL.?
    Fact most of the money is raised outside of IL.

    So what? This is often true of challengers.

    ===Why did Pera give to Lip. SR. campain?
    Fact: He was part of the orginization and still is!!

    Because he was expected to even though Lipinski was supporting the Republican.

    ==Why is Pera running for Congress?
    Fact he was pissed off because to Lip. family would not recommend him for judge ship.


    ==Not fact but my comment: The Lip. family must have know something about Pera not to recommend him.

    This kind of thing will get you banned. I will not put up with people making things up to smear someone without offering up evidence. This is getting very silly. I would suggest you talk to Bennett’s people if you are supporting him because I don’t see them as an enemy, but this kind of things by supporters will piss me off very quickly.

    ===Why was Pera in Mt. Greenwood while his staff was blogging for him?

    He doesn’t have a blog, so you’ll have to be a bit more specific about the time and such. Where was he blogging, at what time was he blogging and then when was he at the event. At worst, you have caught him in the same way any candidate does quotes for press releases. Not very interesting and you are spending a lot of time getting people angry at a candidate you seem to support.

    Fact: his is part of the orginization and can not be trusted!!!!!!

    That’s not actually a sentence. Care to try again.

  7. Wow I responded to this e mial with question for Pera’s staff and it was not posted. Is this an open forum or a Pera political peice??

  8. What e-mail? You are making no sense whatsoever. I haven’t stopped any comments, but if you post too quickly they will be identified as SPAM by the SPAM catcher.

  9. Mark is sure getting his money worth. Sorry I need to find a blog that is not a campain platform for one canidate and that actualy want to talk about truth’s.

    I also do want to try again! Tell me is this a complete sentence? Lipinski and Pera are working toghter to keep the political orginization going and once Lipinski win’s he will get his judge ship.

    How did I do? Correct sentence structure? Truth?

  10. ===Mark is sure getting his money worth. Sorry I need to find a blog that is not a campain platform for one canidate and that actualy want to talk about truth’s.

    Lying about me being on the payroll tends to make you look like an ass.

    ===Tell me is this a complete sentence? Lipinski and Pera are working toghter to keep the political orginization going and once Lipinski win’s he will get his judge ship.

    Do you have any evidence of this? Again, Lipinski was supporting the Republican in 1996 against Pera so I’m a bit unclear on where this close relationship is.

    ===How did I do? Correct sentence structure? Truth?


  11. whoever blogged this has gotten everything wrong about Mr. Bennett. Frist of all he has been the mayor of PALOS HILLS for 27 years, and as a mayor in any township it’s important to have good standing with and whomever your congressman is at the time to get things done!!! I’m so sick of hearing about mr. Pera and how he’s on t.v. maybe he should become an actor, he’s seems to be better at that. thanks.

  12. Jerry Bennett, if you in fact read about him or have met him will know he’s one of the most honest, well spoken, well liked, respectful (man) politican around. Honestly, the only one, who by far, who has enough experience to fill that seat. I like that he doesn’t need to bash anyone- he actually tells you what he’s going to do about the real issues at hand.

  13. I agree, I think Jerry Bennett has shown great leadership and respect through out his years as being mayor and greatly look forward to Mr. Bennett being our next congressman! Truly by far the only one candidate with the experience to fill the seat and represent the people of that district. I believe he will make a change and get the job done.

  14. I think Jerry Bennett has shown great leadership and respect through out his years as being mayor and greatly look forward to Mr. Bennett being our next congressman! Truly by far the only one candidate with the experience to fill the seat and represent the people of that district. I believe he will make a change and get the job done.

  15. Everyone on this blog should know that Pera doesn’t have a fat chance in this election! Let’s compare notes, Bennett has been endorsed by the suntimes, southtown and the landmark newspapers while Pera has been endorsed by Forest Claypool….who the hell is he?? Why do we keep hearing about this guy!! The one thing I do know is that Mr. Claypool doesn’t even live in this district so who really cares who he endorses. Are we supposed to know who Mr. Claypool is?? I don’t, no one does!! Frankly I’m sick of hearing Pera talk about MONEY MONEY MONEY and how he’s on t.v. along with all his campaign bashing and no talk of his experiece or leadership he would take to washington. Pretty sad that Pera is trying to buy his way into office. It’s sad! You can think what you want, but I know Jerry Bennett will sweep this election and I can’t wait until he does!!!

  16. The only thing I don’t like about Jerry Bennett has nothing to do really with Jerry Bennett.

    It has to do with some asshole using the same IP to make comments looking like he’s several people. Use one username or be anonymous. If you keep switching handles you will be banned. That was the point of the original post.

    I generally like Bennett. I think he’d be a great candidate even. Because of timing I’m backing Pera.

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