David Orr decrying drunks was just beautiful–not nearly as much fun as watching him explain to news reporters why it was a bad idea to let everyone in to watch the counting–like the fact that there are identified observers to do that already.

You know, they have better elections in Baghdad.

But it all becomes clear with this:

“It’s just absolute anarchy over here,” Peraica spokesman Dan Proft said. “We just saw a box coming in that was open . . . it’s just been chaos.”

Here’s a hint–when you are the source of chaos, you don’t get to complain about it. This isn’t Miami.

0 thoughts on “Let us in”
  1. What the heck happened last night? When I woke up this morning, I thought it was just a strange dream that Tony and his merry band had stormed the Bastille, brought on by too much beer and pizza last night.

    Did he have one of those mental breaks or what? I mean, in the cold light of day, he looks kind of kooky now.

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