5 thoughts on “Keyes For Senate”
  1. I do not keep up on politics as good as I should but an article in the local paper this morning has me chomping at the bit!
    Why should blacks be exempt from paying federal taxes?
    I will have you know that NONE of my ansestors owned slaves! As a matter of fact the vast majority of americans were hard working people not rich plantation owners with slaves.
    Its time to get off your high horse on this matter! If we want schools for our kids, roads to drive on and all the other things we americans want WE ALL HAVE TO PAY TAXES! I will not pay for someones elses pass debts that you people seem to think I owe. I don’t owe anyone anything! I work hard and struggle just like the next guy, be they white or black, pink or green!
    Really TEED OFF in Illinois

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