The title refers to amazing feats of right wing baloney

Today’s winner: Insight Magazine, a magazine funded by weird religious cult leader, gets into the Obama is really a dangerous Muslim with ties to terrorism because he went to a predominantly muslim school. There’s some irony there.

And Fox News gets in on the lie

There are several problems with the idea, but the most central problem is that it is completely and profoundly ignorant of history. Obama is 10 years older than I am. I was in 5th grade in about 1981. He would have been going back to Hawaii in 1971. Madrassas built by Saudis and espousing Wahabism in different countries didn’t start until the huge increase in oil during the 1970s. So he left before the Saudis started to even undertake the expansion of madrassas in other countries. Oops.

Now, we don’t know from the books whether Obama even attended a madrassa. He said he went to a predominantly Muslim school which would be most schools in Indonesia including the public school system and private schools. Madrassas of the time would have stressed some study of the Koran, but also been fairly broad in the form of instruction, especially compared to today’s madrassas that are Saudi funded and Islamist.

Public schools in Indonesia teach religion–as many conservatives here would like to….

6 thoughts on “Keyes’ Company”
  1. Arch, Bush invited Abdul-Aziz Al-Hakim, Leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, to the White House last month. Muslims making revolution our are allies. Obama having maybe gone to a school funded by the reactionaries we and revolutionary Muslims fight together with is sort of academic and maybe of interest to people preoccupied with Christianity, but the real question is Obama willing to rally around the flag of liberation and Democracy or not? Is he with Al-Hakim or does Obama think this a civil war we best wash our hands of? That speaks volumes of what Obama feels about Islam.

  2. Bill, you are hereby nominated to the enjoyment of full honors and privileges of Keyes’ Company.

    Al-Hakim is not a revolutionary Muslim in the sense of the American Revolution, but rather the Islamic Revolution. You know, as in the Ayatollah Khomeini, Iranians taking hostages and burning American flags, that sort of thing. He lived in exile in Iran and his organization was funded by the Iranian government.

    I also don’t understand where you’re getting “liberation and Democracy” from. Iraq is a country governed by the majority ethnic group, whose Shiite militias are fighting a bloody religious and ethnic civil war against each other and against the Sunni minority. Hardly “Iraq the Model.”

  3. I know Hakim. I know it’s an Islamic Revolution. That’s the point. Bush and his supporters support it, and Obama doesn’t seem too.

    al-Hakim said in the White House last month,

    We have gone a long way to establish a democratic and pluralistic society in Iraq. We have given a great deal of sacrifice to achieving the objective. We cherish all the sacrifices that took place for the liberation and the freedom of Iraq, sacrifices by the Iraqi people, as well as friendly nations, and on top of that list, sacrifices by the Americans. We have now an elected government in Iraq, a government that is so determined to combat both violence and terror, a government that it is — strongly believes in the unity of that government and of that country and the society, a government that deals and will deal with all the sources of terrorism regardless where they come from.
    Thank you very much, Mr. President, for allowing me this opportunity to meet with you. I would like to take this opportunity also to thank the American people and their sympathy toward Iraq, those who helped Iraq to get rid of a brutal dictatorship and to enjoy freedom and liberties.

    Obama’s message to the Iraqi’s a few weeks later was the United States wasn’t going to Baby Sit their civil wars. I think that’s offensive to some pretty noble Muslims. Especially when you consider al-Hakim would treat Obama with respect while the folks were fighting would consider him an apostate.

    Ho Chi Minh reached out to Wilson in 1919, and again to FDR in 1945. Carter ignored the opposition to the Shah. Those weren’t American style revolutionaries either but I still think those were three huge historical mistakes.

    Bush picked the right side this time.

  4. No, Bill, you don’t get it. The Islamic Revolution isn’t a bunch of Muslims dedicated to the principles of moderate, liberal democracy, it was a Shiite movement in Iran dedicated to overthrowing the secular state and replacing it with an Islamic state. Hakim fled to Iran in 1980, and he remains a proxy for Iranian interests. His followers, the Badr Brigage, are a paramilitary force who kidnap and kill Sunnis and terrorize and murder gays. It hardly speaks well of Bush that Hakim is visiting the White House.

  5. ….and consider Ayatollah Sistani is an Iranian on top of it. A bit odd to cry Islamaphobia on the part of Obama opponents when you consider the crowd we’re allied with, isn’t it?

    The Iraqi Communists are in the government too.

    Forget their heritages. They’re showing incredible restraint in the face of a terrorist onslaught. They’re showing a commitment to Democracy and Liberalism with their blood.

    Raïd Fahmi, Iraq’s Communist Minister of Technology, said,

    What we need, is for those who support the independence of Iraq, and this country’s development, wherever they may be in the world, to express their solidarity for those who are fighting for these objectives. Unfortunately, stances have been taken by some of these forces which play in favor of political currents which are opposed to democracy. On the one hand, they talk about democracy and secularism, but in fact, they take positions which weaken, rather than reinforce the democratic and progressive trends in the country.

    So we have the United Chruch of Christ’s Obama telling the Muslims and Communists he’s not going to baby sit their civil war. I think Obama weakens Democracy and Secularims with that… You might doubt Sistani, al-Haim, and Fahmi’s words. But me, I’ll stick with the Shia and Communists in this fight.

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