The info in the Capitol Fax Extra might impact some of the Lege primaries. Most of the races aren’t contested during the primary, but 26 are.

Rep. Lou Lang is one on the bubble with the party apparatus of the 50th Ward.
Rep. Charles Morrow verse Milt Patterson with good turnout
Rep. Patricia Bailey, D versus Aaron Patterson–released from death row for a wrongful conviction
and in the Senate:
Rep. Carole Pankau, R-Roselle, and township trustee Dennis Reboletti of Elmhurst Carole got some electrons from me here Kind of like Chris Lauzen–probably didn’t need my attention.

One thought on “Key Lege Races Today”
  1. With regards to the lack of contested races, I was sad. This is my first time voting, and I was all excited, went into my local De Kalb polling center, declaring my Democratic leanings, went into the booth and opened up my folder.

    One contested race, disincluding delegate and presidential races which are pretty much useless. Hopefully Obama wins, that’d make me less disappointed.

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