Keeping Your Enemies Closer?

McCain really hates those Freddie and Fannie Mae lobbyists. So much so, his campaign manager is one. He must be keeping his enemies very close….

For years McCain campaign manager Rick Davis was head of the Homeownership Alliance, a lobbying association that included Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, real estate agents, homebuilders, and non-profits. According to Politico, the organization opposed congressional attempts at regulation of Fannie and Freddie, along the lines of what John McCain is currently proposing. In his capacity of president of the group, Davis went on record in 2003 and insisted that no further reform of the lenders was necessary, in contradiction to his current boss’s sentiments. “[Fannie and Freddie] are subject to an innovative and stringent risk-based capital stress test,” Davis wrote. “The toughest in the financial services industry.”

At a campaign rally Wednesday morning in Fairfax, Virginia, John McCain said that the heads of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac ought to give back the millions of dollars they’ve earned. What about the lobbyists who helped Fannie and Freddie game the system? Maybe McCain can ask them — at the next campaign strategy meeting.

0 thoughts on “Keeping Your Enemies Closer?”
  1. Wasn’t it Barack Obama who hired former Fannie Mae CEO James Johnson to help him vet VP candidates? Until there was an uproar, of course…at which time Johnson was dumped…oh wait…voluntarily resigned.

    If I’m not mistaken, it appears that Barack Obama is second only to Chris Dodd in Fannie & Freddie campaign contributions. The top 3 at the Fannie & Freddie trough are all Democrats…and all have run or are running for President including the last Democrat to have his gluteus maximus handed to him in a Presidential election.

    Obama is certainly quick to throw his contributors and financiers at Fannie & Freddie under the bus. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised, having been privy to the manner in which he so deftly threw his grandmother to the wolves when he referred to her as a “typical white person.”

    In my humble opinion, her ascent from a trainee to a VP slot at the Bank of Hawaii makes her worthy of more than being designated “typical”, especially considering she was the first female VP at the Bank of Hawaii. Not to mention the fact that her position as a bank executive provided the means for him to attend prep school starting in the 5th grade when he went to live with his maternal grandparents. Such an ungrateful turd, that Barry O.

    Then again, maybe it is the fact that Obama really IS a sexist. We are all aware of how he attacks female candidates who dare to run against him and his minions…referring to them as pigs, liars and the like.

    And can somebody explain to me how being sent to a fancy prep school in Hawaii jives with the “humble beginnings” myth that Obama keeps trying to sell? Because more and more people just aren’t buying it, anymore.

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