Just Ran Across These Comments

===This is absurd. I will eat my computer if the Republicans lose 30 seats in the House and the safe money says they retain the Senate. John Kerry guaranteed at least 4 points across the board when he demeaned our fine men and women in uniform. But he’s been doing that for 35 years now.

==Look for Republicans to make huge advances in the next week… polls are already showing a Republican surge as the economy races further ahead (Oil at record lows and the Dow blowing past 12,000). The Dems were never as far ahead as the polls indicated as the samples were skewed over and above the normal 5-6 pct. Dem bias.

Those are from a resident troll last summer and fall who disappeared after November 4th.  We hope that it wasn’t from heavy metal poisoning while ingesting his computer.

8 thoughts on “Just Ran Across These Comments”
  1. Well…

    We did lose seats… what? 35? Don’t rememmber.. We the GOP lost. We lost because we should have lost. We lost not because you were so good… we lost because we were so bad.

    Now… I’m so glad that you guys have used your victory to do…?

    Well hate George Bush! Which is just about all the Democrats have done in their 6 months is control.

    Well that and drive the poll numbers of Congress lower than those of the President.

    Are we having fun yet?

  2. ===They didn’t lose 30 seats so he didn’t eat his computer.

    Actually it was 30 seats. Technically the Dems gained 31, but one was Bernie Sanders’ seat so it was a nice round 30. Don’t cut your tongue.

  3. ===Well hate George Bush! Which is just about all the Democrats have done in their 6 months is control.

    Holding the Executive accountable isn’t hating anyone. It is fulfilling the Constitutional mandate. Why do you hate America and the Constitution?

    Raising the minimum wage for the first time since the last Democratically controlled Congress.

    Tried to end an unpopular and unnecessary war, but the President vetoed it. Tried to fund embryonic stem cell research. The President vetoed.

    Investigated the politicization of the Justice Department.

    Had a majority for card check.

    Reduced costs on student loans.

    Now, you may not like those accomplishments, but those are accomplishments broadly supported by the majority of the population. What didn’t pass was largely due to Republicans using their minority rights to block legislation–something you described as obstructionism when Democrats did it. Where’s the outrage I ask you?

  4. Arch, You forgot the Senate’s work on improving CAFE standards … but maybe tsquare likes buying oil from the middle east and other unstable regions.

    Oh, and they set up legislation to help small businesses. Even Petey Roskam liked that one. I’m surprised tsquare didn’t care to even acknowledge it.

    Oh, and despite the catcalls to the contrary the Dems also have so far dramatically reduced pork outlays (by more than half, thankyouverymuch). Gosh, here we thought conservatives didn’t like pork. (And all that carping about how “spending is up” … please ask Pres. Bush how much his war is costing.)

    Here’s a hint tsquare, the only people ignoring reality by claiming the Dems “aren’t doing anything” are the partisan Republicans and the sycophant stenographers (I mean, “reporters”) regurgitating their false rhetoric… and you.

  5. Slight correction, Larry. The last time the minimum wage went up was under a Republican congress, but it took some tricky maneuvering to get it. Long story made short, the Republicans didn’t want it, but they didn’t want to keep voting down a minimum wage increase that Democrats kept introducing.

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