Having read the indictments and the press release–available here,

This is a side case, not the central point.

Official A (sound familiar Illinois readers) is cited as having a discussion with Libby about Official A talking to Novak about Wilson’s wife.

Fitzgerald is squeezing Libby and nailing him for clear obstruction of justice. This is textbook Patrick Fitzgerald. The indictment reads like a road map to the rest of the investigation pointing out the danger of leaking classified information and essentially laying out the case that such information was clearly leaked. It then criticizes Libby for obstructing those efforts–hence why it takes so long to put such a case together.

I’m pretty sure I’m missing something that Fitzgerald has up his sleeve, but the basic strategy is clear from the document. Unfortunately, the document won’t actually be referred to by pundits, just as “the plot against wilson” was largely ignored.

One thought on “Just a Beginning”
  1. I think Fitzgerald is going about it the same way as with Ryan – mowing down the highly partisan staff and saving the best for last. Make ’em sweat and then pounce.

    I’m looking forware to Rove’s perp walk in a big way, also Blago.

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