No, not the Chicago Fire Commissioner, but the loony Illinois Leader environmental commentator

This week, Ms. Morrison complains that reintroduction programs are causing changes to the environment and we shouldn’t mess with mother nature.

Okay, who gets the irony here? If you read her column, you realize in one instance she isn’t even talking about reintroduction, but even more importantly–it is messing with mother nature that caused a need for reintroduction. Unless she wants to treat every bit of development as ‘nature’ than her entire column falls down on its own logic. Nothing, new, but kinda funny.

The funniest bit is the Panther siting in Hardin. Having spent some time–especially some nights in Hardin, let me guess—someone had been drinking at the Barefoot Inn for a few too many hours and saw a big pink panther…..
On a more serious note, non-native species often due find their way to areas because mother nature has been messed with through spraw. But Morrison would never suggest that. I think we might be on our way to another black helicopter column. In a previous column she suggested black helicopters were part of a plot to discredit critics of the UN–so the black helicopter conspiracy theory is created by the UN to discredit conspiracy theorists..I couldn’t make this stuff up if I wanted to.

5 thoughts on “Joyce Watch”
  1. Ah, the Barefoot Inn. Drives up the Illinois river during bald eagle season…

    Don’t miss the catfish fritters.

    Ralph isn’t homesick, just sick.

  2. Oh, and, along the same lines.

    There is a bar in neighboring Kampsville where a opposum got stuck in the drop-ceiling–the Kampsville Inn, I think.

    During a wild night at the bar, the opposum came crashing through the ceiling and patrons kicked it out the door, where it was attacked by a bunch of dogs that had been scrupulously gaurding the beds of pickup trucks.

    They replaced the drop-ceiling tile and wrote in magic marker: “Possum Hatch.”

  3. All stories involving Joyce are for humor. For a while last summer I was playing find the thesis her columns because they were nothing more than stream of consciousness rants. That is okay on a blog sometimes, but when I actually write columns, I put a little more work into, well, having a friggen’ point.

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