Joyce Only Likes Some Private Property

Joyce Morrison often argues that private property is good for conservation. Then she argues its bad if it involves liberal groups owning private property.

Of course, her argument is that landowners know more about the land then others. But she says:

There are areas in Illinois that are highly wooded and have been a paradise to explore. The worst thing one would encounter is a chigger, tick or poison ivy. However, in some areas you have to watch for timber rattlesnakes usually seen in July or August, but that is about as wild as it gets.

Recently there have now been numerous reports of cougar and wolf sightings and people are getting a little more careful when they go into the woods. They are being told these animals are the act of irresponsible owners who had an exotic pet and find they cannot manage it, so they turn it loose it the wild.

Last week an Illinois school bus driver related seeing a bear on a very rural road bordered by a wooded area. The kids were ecstatic but the driver is still in shock.

Errr…all three existed naturally in Illinois until humans took away their habitat and frankly, with a little caution all of them are not that dangerous to humans.

Guns and schools make the rant as well. Why? Well, it’s Joyce.

2 thoughts on “Joyce Only Likes Some Private Property”
  1. [i]At the same time, Illinois is getting more unfriendly to gun owners.

    Would you want to live where there are all kinds of wild animals without some kind of protection for your children and domestic animals and pets?[/i]

    Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!!

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