Jack Ryan Deathwatch–Day 1

Not a literal one, but one like Tim Noah runs at Slate–when will he bow out? Put it in comments. And what will the speech be like?

5 thoughts on “Jack Ryan Deathwatch–Day 1”
  1. ugh, I keep going back-and-forth on whether he’ll drop out. At first I thought he wouldn’t, but then last night I was sure he would, then this morning I thought he’d make it through, but now I’m not so sure.

    But, if he makes it through this week, he’ll be home free, right? Will this really affect voters in November? I think not (but I could be wrong, of course–I’m not a social conservative).

  2. For some reason I think that Goldberg is right — if Jack! just rides it out for a week the calls for his head will die down. His campaign, of course, would be dead in the water but it wasn’t doing much better than that before the revelations.

    I just hope that my assessment is right, that Jack! possesses that magical combination of arrogance and foolishness that will allow him to think that he can still win in November (after all Bush won and he got fewer votes than Gore), and he decides to stick it out.

    I am sure that the GOP will exert all the pressure they can muster to boot him by this weekend so that they can get a running start at the 4th of July festivities. They sure don’t want to be “between candidates” at the Wheaton parade.

    But I say, “Keep smiling Jack, it has always worked for you ’till now, just keep smiling.”

  3. Late tomorrow afternoon.

    “I am withdrawing to spend more time with my family. We have some fence mending to do and I have to make a trip to the hardware store.”

  4. He’ll do it today or tomorrow. The state GOP will want the humiliating news to come out over the weekend, in order to minimize the shame.

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