As every prognosticator is pointing out things can change in three weeks, but the Republicans are in a free fall as of this moment. Survey USA has four new polls demonstrating how deep the problem is for Republicans with even Hayworth (AZ) and Kline (MN) in potential trouble. Also, over at Pollster you can see the new numbers for CT-4 and CT-5, both of which have Dems ahead.
Bush’s numbers are worsening, though I want to see Charles’ trend line with the newest poll before making a pronouncement of how much.
The trend will eventually calm and we’ll see some tightening I imagine, but right now everything is trending against the Republicans to the point that there don’t appear to be any likely Dem held seats (w/ an incumbent or open) likely to go Republican right now.
Cook’s latest update isn’t overstating the current situation
As George Will said the other day, if Democrats can’t win this year, they need to find another line of work.
Man, Hayworth … one can dream.
That guy personifies dumbshit.
Til I’m proven wrong the GOP still has the better GOTV operations nationwide, hands down.