It’s Starting on Fitzgerald

I believe we’ll soon seeing the attacks on Patrick Fitzgerald increase with Pat Roberts starting with this one today:

Sen. Roberts (R) just said that Fitzgerald’s investigation had “a lot of leaks.” Is he kidding?

Can anyone identify a leak from Fitzgerald’s investigation? There may have been one, but I can’t think of any and for a DC investigation, that’s remarkable.

2 thoughts on “It’s Starting on Fitzgerald”
  1. I couldn’t find a link at TPM or via google, so I don’t know the context, but I have to disagree with the Senator (if those were his remarks). Fitzgerald’s operation has been amazingly leak free, but we have seen leaks in grand jury testimony (yet another crime) in the last couple of days that probably didn’t come from Fitzgerald or his people.

  2. ===Fitzgerald’s operation has been amazingly leak free, but we have seen leaks in grand jury testimony (yet another crime) in the last couple of days that probably didn’t come from Fitzgerald or his people.

    Those probably aren’t crimes–witnesses are allowed to talk about their testimony so assuming those leaks are from a defendent or someone the defendent talked it’s probably fine.

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