It’s Not Just More Democrats, It’s Better Democrats

I would hate for a local library to decide how best to regulate internet access. Next you know, they’ll be trying to figure out what books to have in the library.  Imagine that.

This is a reprehensible fear mongering ad that completely misrepresents a position against a state requirement for library content filters.  Each library is different and all of them can set policy about how to best allow maximum access to the internet while keeping kids safe.

Beyond that, as Terry Cosgrove points out, often the filters ban sites on reproductive health and health in general.  Mulligan should be applauded for her stand and  Austriaco needs to either address the issue or just lose votes from voters concerned with reproductive rights and the First Amendment.

Taking the position of Illinois Review isn’t the way to beat Republicans.

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FROM:  Terry Cosgrove, President & CEO, Personal PAC

RE:  Aurora Austriacio’s Attacks on Women’s Health Care Information

DATE:  October 13, 2008

I want to bring to your immediate attention Aurora Austriaco’s refusal to speak to the media and me about her apparent support of right-wing legislation that would prevent many women of all ages from accessing health care information via the internet.  Austriaco and her supporters have been attacking Rep. Rosemary Mulligan (see attached district-wide mailers) for her vote in opposition to internet filters.  While the ACLU, Illinois Library Association and the City of Chicago oppose the filters on free speech/1st Amendment grounds, reproductive health advocates oppose them because they prevent women from gaining access to reproductive and, often life saving, general health care resources.  It is indeed ironic that Mulligan is being targeted by Austriaco just days after Chicago Library Commissioner, Mary Dempsey, accepted the ACLU’s Free Speech award for opposing these very filters and refusing to install them on Chicago Library computers.  Dempsey and Chicago have refused to accept millions of dollars in state funding rather than install these harmful and wasteful filters.

These right-wing inspired filters keep invaluable information from women on family planning, HIV, STD prevention, sexuality, and of course, abortion. Two breast cancer survivors in the past two days have told me their stories of securing second opinions on treatment and getting invaluable information from the internet, most of which is blocked by these internet filters due to word “breast.”  Mulligan stood strong AGAINST the right-wing and WITH the women of Illinois in opposing these filters by casting a “NO” vote on HB 1727 (May 2, 2007) along with most other pro-choice advocates in the IL House, including Reps. Nekritz, Hamos, Feigenholtz.  Now Mulligan is being attacked for her vote by Austriaco.  Austriaco refuses to offer an explanation to the media or answer questions about these attacks, and more importantly, where she stands on the issue of preventing women from gaining access to reproductive health information.  Would Austriaco have voted “yes” or “no” on HB 1727 is a fair question for the media and reproductive health care advocates to ask.

Since Austriaco has refused to return numerous phone calls to her by me and several members of the media about this issue, I am hoping that you can prevail upon her to do so.  We need answers and we need them immediately.  Aurora’s campaign phone number is 847-292-5902 and her home is 847-292-6666.  Her email appears above.  Please see the attached campaign mail pieces and contact me with any questions. I am also attaching the ACLU fact sheets and academic research on the harmful impact of internet filters. The full House roll-call vote on HB 1727 is available online or I can send it to you.

Thank you very much for your attention to this critical matter.  I am sorry to have to concern you with it, but I and members of the media have been left with no other choice by Austriaco.

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