It’s All Over for McCain According to Tom Roeser

After all, McCain said that American soldiers’ lives had been wasted:

Dismissing the lost lives of American troops during wartime as having been wasted ranks is just about the all-time most catastrophic statement a presidential candidate can make. Saying the dead have died in vain is not only opposite to Abraham Lincoln (with whom Obama wants to be compared), it is a lethal dose of strychnine from which no ordinary candidate could be expected to recover. If Obama can make use of his blackness to overcome his slur, he would be seen as a true political wonder-worker. Chicago’s David Axelrod, his media guru, should be promptly elevated to the canonical status of the all-time great cosmeticians, the Democrats’ Jim Farley who sold the patrician FDR as a regular guy and the Republicans’ Mark Hanna who packaged William McKinley, the pal of the Wall Street plutocrats as the workingman’s friend. .

Here’s the statement 

It’s even the same context.  I have no problem with what either of them said, but I’m not part of the outrage machine.

2 thoughts on “It’s All Over for McCain According to Tom Roeser”
  1. The more play this gets the better. Hypocrisy has never slowed them down, of course, but it’s important to call them on it every time.

    guess Roeser have to go with Guilliani now…

  2. You mean the guy who married his cousin and then dumped her and then dumped that one too (while shacking up with his gay buddies in between conquests… I mean, ladyfriends), CMS?

    At least Ruskin hates McCain enough to point this incident out. That Dave Letterman. He’s a master interviewer, always drawing out the most intriguing of information and statements.

    Odd that Ill Reviewer “Julie” thinks Newt is the only logical choice left. Julie must be a fan of guys that divorce their wives while they’re on their sick bed in a hospital.

    It’s ok if you call yourself a conservative, of course.

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