It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Ends Up on the Hood of Car

Ummmm…if this bill doesn’t move as reported in the Capitol Fax, someone will be having a Rostenkowski moment:

THE END GAME (excerpt) * Thousands of retired teachers will descend on the Statehouse today to pressure the General Assembly to approve a bill that will allow them to keep their health insurance.

Retired teachers will lose their health insurance July 1 if the General Assembly does not approve legislation extending a deal that was cut in 2001. The Senate had been expected to pass the extension yesterday, but the chamber didn’t move the bill.

The insurance program faced financial collapse a few years ago until it was bailed out by the state. Active teachers were also required to kick in part of their paychecks to underwrite the program. The new bill would increase premiums for retirees and also require annual state funding.

4 thoughts on “It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Ends Up on the Hood of Car”
  1. I think Arch is referring to a very unfortunate incident in the early ’90s when a group of seniors citizens picketed him for wanting Social Security/Medicare changes. It was an ugly scene: a lot of angry senior citizens surrounding Rosty’s car as he tried to make a getaway.

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