Via Rich
We hear that Mike Niecestro will not be on the ballot. This isn’t terribly surprising, but I love the description:
Millionaire mortgage banker Mike Niecestro, the west suburban conservative who talked for months about running as an independent against Republican Kirk, Democrat Alexi Giannoulias and the Green Party’s LeAlan Jones, did not file petitions for a position on the November ballot. Niecestro–who needed 25,000 signatures of registered voters–told me that his petition drive fell way short of its goal because a “certain republican politician” did not make good on his promise to get 45,000 signatures. In fact, according to Niecestro, the politician known as a “flake” in GOP circles, delivered a goose egg.
Any guesses?
Here’s a lesson for anyone running for office–when some assclown (either party here) says they can do something incredibly difficult and doesn’t tell you how hard it will be they are full of crap.
Here’s my thinking.
If you’re trying to get on the ballot as an independent or “new party” candidate and you clearly cut into the base of the Dems or the GOP, use operatives from the opposite party to get you on the ballot.
Republican operatives are gonna be burning bridges with the GOP to help Niecestro against Kirk.
How many signatures did Niecestro collect himself? Did he monitor and validate on a daily basis the signatures obtained by his “flake” friend? Did he have a plan B in case his “flake” friend started to fall behind (day 1)?
Collecting valid signatures involves work. Today’s self described millionaire conservatives don’t seem to know what that is. It is something to be called for and it will appear because of their wealth and/or name.
This man has no credibility.
With regards to my campaign. Nobody paid me off. My wife and I personally collected in excess of 18,000 signatures and with the help of my family and friends collected a total of 25,642 signatures. On June 16, 2010, William Kelly, who was introduced to me by Chris Arndt from the Bureau county TEA Party PROMISED he would get me 40,000 signatuures to help us through any challenge. I was suspicious and called the deal off on Saturday, June 19, 2010. I specifically told Chris Arndt I don’t trust him. He emailed me and told me I was losing my chance should he not help me. We donated $10,000 to REV Productions and he wanted $10,000. more when signatures were complete. All week leading up to the june 23rd deadline he gave us the false hope that all is great and we were to have a press conference once the signatures were done. That man delivered not one single signature and help ruin what my wife and busted our rear ends on for almost 3 months. The sad part was we would have won this race for we had much more money than noted. The Republican will not win this race. Kirk is weak, a liar, and can not vote on conservative issues. One on one, Alexi vs myself, both bankers, one who has worked hard his whole life the other who has screwed everything up from Broadway Bank to Brightstart, Duh, I wonder who has the edge on that one. Wake up Illinois, do not be had like I was from the likes of William Kelly, & Certain TEA Party factions.
Mike—in regards to paying you off, I certainly never said that and didn’t mean to imply it if you took it that way.
My criticism is one you seem to understand and take to heart through the hard way of experience in learning not to trust a bunch of the clowns who pass themselves off as operatives.
From the sound of it, you will stick around and I hope you do–though I’ll be fighting to make sure you don’t win ;).