Daily Dolt: Mark Kirk

Or perhaps I’m the Daily Chump:


I thought it was bizarre at first, but accepted that a church pre-school might well take in some students who would be disadvantaged and Kirk was projecting a bit.  No, he was just making shit up.  I still believe he worked there–records and memories from that long ago aren’t that good and if he was a work study student, there’s some record somewhere, but good luck finding it. Maybe I’m still assuming Mark Kirk has some connection to reality and that may well be a bad assumption, but it’s hard to believe he didn’t teach at the pre-school.   Actually a male teacher at a pre-school is a pretty important thing and I hand it to him.  Usually teachers at the elementary level or pre-school level who are male are treated with a fair amount of suspicion which is silly and bigoted.


He ran play groups.  Everytime I set the bar low, the guy finds a way to make it under.

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