Is There Such A Thing As A Satirical Lawsuit?

Because the suit filed by Fox News against Al Franken might qualify–after all being unsuccessful at being funny isn’t a barrier to calling something satire.

Fox said in the suit that Franken flew into a rage near a table of Fox News personalities at a press correspondents’ dinner in April and acted "either intoxicated or deranged."

It said Franken has become "increasingly unfunny."

"Franken is neither a journalist nor a television news personality. He is not a well-respected voice in American politics; rather, he appears to be shrill and unstable," the suit said.

Fox claims it registered the phrase "fair and balanced" in 1997 and that it "was created as a specific alternative to what its founders perceived as a liberal bias in the American media."

Franken worked as a comedy writer in the 1970s and has appeared frequently on "Saturday Night Live."

But I’m sure Al will thank them for boosting his sales…

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