Kos is doing a bang up job summarizing the state of the war and battles within the larger war. He points out one of the most fortunate aspects of this war, the Iraqi incompetence on the battlefield. Reports yesterday indicated a thousand vehicle convoy left its positions and was moving towards the US forces. More recent reports are a bit less clear, but this may be repositioning. Either way, it is really stupid. Schwartzkopf, on MSNBC last night, seemed to forget his famous appraisal of Saddam, and seemed befuddled that any army would do something as stupid as give up its secured positions when it was vulnerable.

Apparently, you can’t fix stupid.

While I hope we don’t face significant casualties and McCaffrey is wrong about the consequences of going forward without more forces, if he is right, we need to be looking for a different Secretary of Defense who is more concerned about troops and not doctrine.

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