State behind in paying for child care subsidies

Quality child care is an important determinant of future success.  Making businesses operating on a small margin wait for their checks endangers the good providers out there who have made a go of it.

Blagojevich kills historic site funding over $2.4 million.  Seriously.

The most publicized reduction that will go forward is $2.4 million that pays for nearly three dozen employees to run 13 historic sites. The sites are to close Nov. 30.

The tourist attractions include the reconstructed log home where Abraham Lincoln lived with his father and stepmother near Charleston and the Vandalia statehouse where Lincoln served in the Legislature before the capital moved to Springfield.

Such cuts are particularly prickly because the world will commemorate the bicentennial of the 16th president’s birth in February.

Among other reductions that Blagojevich did not agree to restore: nearly $7 million for the office of Attorney General Lisa Madigan, a potential rival for Blagojevich’s seat in 2010; nearly $21 million from the budget of Secretary of State Jesse White; and $3 million from the offices of the lieutenant governor, state treasurer and auditor general, all of whom have criticized Blagojevich.

He is a small, petty, useless man.

But he hasn’t raised income taxes.

0 thoughts on “Inexcusable”
  1. You’d think any (just one) of the conservative blowhards complaining about the closings would realize the hypocrisy dripping from their posts and just stop typing… but no, no they’re oblivious to it.

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