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16 counts on Blagojevich

Harris,Monk, Kelly, Cellini & Rob Blagojevich all indicted as well.

Among the new factual allegations are that:
<  beginning in 2002 and continuing after Blagojevich was first elected
governor,  Blagojevich and Monk, along with Kelly and previously convicted
co-schemer Antoin “Tony” Rezko, agreed that they would use the offices of
governor and chief of staff for financial gain, which would be divided among
them with the understanding that the money would be distributed after
Blagojevich left public office;
<  in 2003, Blagojevich, Monk, Kelly, Rezko and other co-schemers
implemented this agreement by directing lucrative state business relating to
the refinancing of billions of dollars in State of Illinois Pension Obligation
Bonds to a company whose lobbyist agreed to provide hundreds of thousands
of dollars to Rezko out of the fee the  lobbyist would collect, and Rezko in turn
agreed to split the money with Blagojevich, Monk and Kelly;
<      After it became public that Kelly and Rezko were under investigation and
ceased playing a significant role in raising campaign funds, Blagojevich
personally continued to trade his actions as governor for personal benefits,
including, for example, delaying a state grant to a publicly-supported school
while trying to leverage a U.S. Congressman, who supported the school, or the
Congressman’s brother, to hold a campaign fundraiser for Blagojevich; and
<      in an interview on March 16, 2005, Blagojevich lied to FBI agents when he
said that he maintains a separation, or firewall, between politics and state
business; and he does not track, or want to know, who contributes to him or
how much they are contributing to him.

With a quick reading, the biggest bombshell here is that Blagojevich and the others conspired to split up the money after he left office.  They were literally auctioning off state business.

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