Imagine If Bill Clinton Had Done It

Really, just try:

Now the White House has informed the American people that they were also “all wrong” about their decision to place their faith in Ahmed Chalabi, even though they have paid him 340,000 dollars per month. 33 million dollars (CHECK) and placed him adjacent to Laura Bush at the State of the Union address. Chalabi had been convicted of fraud and embezzling 70 million dollars in public funds from a Jordanian bank, and escaped prison by fleeing the country. But in spite of that record, he had become one of key advisors to the Bush Administration on planning and promoting the War against Iraq.

And they repeatedly cited him as an authority, perhaps even a future president of Iraq. Incredibly, they even ferried him and his private army into Baghdad in advance of anyone else, and allowed him to seize control over Saddam’s secret papers.

Now they are telling the American people that he is a spy for Iran who has been duping the President of the United States for all these years.

UPDATE: And in comments Absit Invidia leaves a note that the National Review’s David Frum was defending Chalabi as late as May 5th.

AI is a good site–take a look–he is conservative and very smart and independent. He’s linked on the expanded blog roll as well. Always a good read.

4 thoughts on “Imagine If Bill Clinton Had Done It”
  1. Hmmm, Gore needs to work on his math. $340,000 per month adds up to $33,000,000 in 97 months, or just a tad over 8 years. Of course, Bush has not been in office for 8 years. So one number or the other is wrong, or Clinton was giving Chalabi the money for about 5 years. Take your pick.

  2. Or just know something about the subject. $33 million is the total given from the State Department–not all in regular intervals. Trying to twist the words to mean that only regular monthly payments were made only indicates you are woefully ignorant of the story.

    The money did start under Clinton in March of 2000, but then as only part of a process of providing independent news from a source other than Saddam. That was under the 1998 bill to push for regime change.

    The $340,000 is a separate pot of money from the Pentagon and is not included in the figure Gore is referencing in the $33 million. State was far more leary and cut off the spigot in 2002 for the most part. The Pentagon kept on kept on until early this month.

    So are you a hack or stupid? Take your pick.

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