1. Obama. Got a buzz now with the national press picking up his story. Hynes is attacking–and probably a fair attack about why Obama didn’t speak up about the profligate spending under George Ryan. That’s a clean hit as far as I’m concerned.
2. Hynes. Trying to find a way to take Obama down without going negative. It isn’t easy. Needs ground troops and probably rain.
3. Hull. Seems to have rebounded (and Glenn isn’t getting in for that Jeri Ryan troll), but not sure it is enough. As independent polls are coming to a close, the question is will his numbers jump up or just maintain a small increase? Hard to get in to the dialogue when Obama is dominating the free press.
4. Pappas. Her sense of humor is showing, but probably too late. While the debate performances are a problem, I think she just mistimed a bunch of the campaign and never got on track. She still has a future (that should bring some comments in)
5. Chico and the Ice Cream Man. Gives a little on Oberweis as do the other candidates. If Republicans see Democrats attacking Oberweis will they switch thinking he must be doing something right? We can only hope.
6. Skinner. Fading….
7. Washington. Now that is a dead political career.
I don’t get Washington. Her website was down for days and she’s nowhere in the polls, but last night I saw for the first time one of her commercial. Have these been running for a while? I’ve been watching things pretty closely so I don’t think so.