IL 8: McSweeney Against the Castle Bill

Just another mainstream conservative. Snort

IL: What are your thoughts on the current hot issue of stem cell research?

M: I am absolutely opposed to the bill that just passed the House of Representatives. I support the President 100 percent on that issue. There was a much better alternative that allowed stem cell research on umbilical cords – I support that. But I do oppose federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. I would have voted no on the Castle bill.

In more fun:

: Everyone’s concerned about the high gas prices. Have any ideas on how to handle that issue?

M: I strongly support the President?s energy policy. The U.S. House of Representatives voted for an energy bill which Melissa Bean opposed, that bill would have allowed a safe development of natural gas resources in the U.S., safe development of nuclear power, and I?m strongly in favor of trying to increase our domestic capabilities on energy production.

So what about drilling in Lake Michigan, Dave?

One thought on “IL 8: McSweeney Against the Castle Bill”
  1. This is not the way to get that seat back. Watch for a moderate woman to emerge to take on Bean.

    Then again…I’m considered one of the worst political consultants in Illinois…

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