If You Want to Stop Rumors

Appearing in the NY TImes Fashion & Style section ain’t gonna do it.


Especially with these bit:


REPRESENTATIVE AARON SCHOCK is explaining, again, why his torso seems to keep going viral.

First, there was the photo of him in a red bathing suit, posted on the gossip site TMZ.com. “Abtastic,” bloggers enthused.

Then, there was the picture of Mr. Schock, a Republican congressman from Illinois, in a pink-checked shirt, turquoise belt and white jeans at a White House picnic. According to the blogosphere, the image was “jamming up the gay staff listserv” on Capitol Hill.

“Obviously, it was what I thought was a sporty outfit,” Mr. Schock said of his picnic attire. “It was probably a little too bright, in retrospect.”


As for his personal life, Mr. Schock is single and opposed to gay marriage, and he has told reporters that he is not gay. In the interview in his office, he mentioned a former girlfriend. He also said that while he is passionate about all issues, the social ones are “not what compelled me to run for office.”


So, how did he feel about joining the ranks of Liza Minnelli and Lady Gaga as a gay icon, albeit for the Washington set?

He was quick to dismiss the frenzy, saying the pictures were just a distraction. As for those who admire his physique, “If they’re in my district, I’ll take votes wherever I can get them,” he said. “Who knew I could get this much attention with my shirt on?”

And he is happy to offer up the back story behind the TMZ photo, which shows him reclining with legs splayed in swim trunks by a pool, showing off glistening washboard abs. “It’s a funny story,” Mr. Schock said, and began to tell it.



But the best?

And back in Peoria, well-meaning constituents are eager to play matchmaker.

“Good supporters who have single daughters say, ‘Hey, you need to take my daughter out,’ ” Mr. Schock said. “And it’s awkward.”


Yes, I’m sure it is.

0 thoughts on “If You Want to Stop Rumors”
  1. That’s my Congressman you are talking about! At least I think he is. The smart guys down the street carved up the City of Springfield into 3 Congressional districts. You can walk across the street and have a different Congressman.

    It is like when I grew up in Evanston and the town was dry. If you wanted to buy liquor you walked across Howard Street and poof you were in wet Chicago.

    Please forgive my rant. I think it may be caused by LDS, (LaBron Disappointment Syndrome)

    Skimkus or Schock
    Not sure which one I got
    Schock’s looking for Cupid
    Skimkus is just stupid!

  2. Oh, now, c’mon, Arch. The s/he’s-unmarried-we-know-what-that-means shtick isn’t cool with Elena Kagan and it’s not cool with this guy.

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