From the Capitol Fax
THE HOLE Despite the threat of massive deficits, Governor-elect Rod Blagojevich continues to cling to his campaign promise to reopen several shuttered state facilities. G-Rod has asked Illinois Central College not to open a branch office at the now-closed Zeller Mental Developmental Center. Governor Ryan signed a long-term lease with ICC for the Zeller property, but Blago is threatening to break the lease. It should be fascinating to watch how this guy patches the deficit, reopens facilities and implements new programs. No way can he do this without more gaming or higher taxes or both. The other day, Blago said the deficit was larger than he thought. Whenever a politician says something like that, you can bet revenue enhancements are not far off.
The substance is no surprise. Anyone who didn’t realize Blago and J-Ry weren’t lying about taxes is amazingly stupid.
What I like is G-Rod. It fits so well. New nickname.