Sigh, having grown up in the area where Lincoln rode the circuit, this is depressing
Later, speaking to reporters, Keyes likened himself to the nation’s 16th president. He said mid-19th Century voters in central Illinois looked at Lincoln “in terms of the character that he offered to his fellow citizens,” rather than in terms of his Kentucky roots.
Things we will never see:
Plaques commemorating where Keyes slept or high prices for his writings.
We should be expecting a rather gaunt skeleton to be filing for slander against Keyes very soon. I’d rather expect that the skeleton can still represent himself.
Me too. I fondly remember the building in my home town where Lincoln had a tooth pulled (used as a storage facility.)
I also heard a great story about Lincoln participating in a duel in Alton (across the river in Missouri, actually). His second, the great grandfather of former House Majority Leader Jim McPike (and builder of the acknowledged most haunted house in Alton, the McPike mansion.)
To say Lincoln had Kentucky roots is to say that Keyes has Illinois roots. Lincoln was a postmaster in Illinois, belonged to the Illinois National Guard and had served several stretches in the Illinois legislature at the time of the Lincoln Douglas debates. Keyes will be asking which river runs past the town.
Maybe no high-priced writings. But high-priced sweat-soaked napkins?
I grew up near Lincoln Log cabin and the Moore house in Central IL. Lincoln was a lad in IL for heaven sakes.
Can someone with photoshop come up with an “Illinois…Land of Keyes” License Plate?
No? Then maybe George Ryan can (He’s soon to be making License plates…)
Just kidding…these freepers have no shame and would almost certainly use it on their site.