Wash U hightlights the importance of stem cell research in the monthly e-mail to grads

All the while the St. Charles County Government is fighting over whether to support RCGA because RCGA lobbied to stop a ban on stem cell research involving SNTC The best part, the St. Chuck County Council is likely to override Ortwerth.

So the Republicans got almost their entire agenda through this session–what happens next session?

Abortion and stem cells all day and all night. That’s quite a strategery for appealing to moderate voters!

3 thoughts on “How Uncomfortable”
  1. Because you are a blogger on the list of progressive bloggers at DJWinfo.com, I am making this open invitation to participate as a frontpage blogger at SoapBlox Chicago, http://www.soapblox.net/chicago/ .

    By bringing the progressive blog audience to one place we can synergize our collective influence.

    SoapBlox Chicago is running on cutting edge software, very similar to Scoop, that allows readers to rate and reply to comments, as well as post and recommend diaries of thier own.

    My own personal interest in this project is as a reader of blogs who seeks the ease of use and the quality of interaction of top-notch blog software and writers applied to the Chicago/Midwest political scene.

    Create an account, post a diary, and I will promote you to FrontPage Blogger status. Or just poke around and check it out.

    Jeff Wegerson (wegerje)

  2. If stem cell research is so important, then research stem cells. Research 24/7. Have every abortion clinic in the country send you stem cells. Bathe in stem cells. Shower with stem cells. Invent a stem cell cola. Nobody from the government will stop you. The only thing the government says is they will not fund it. Do it on your own dime. After all, if everything that is said about stem cell research is true, you will not only heal the world’s diseases, you’ll become as wealthy as God in the process. I would think the profits alone would encourage people to stop demanding government handouts and reach into their own pockets.

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