How To Make Yourself a Caricature

The Clerk–a person in charge of many records for Cook County, cannot fully account for the charitable contributions.

What Dorothy Brown can account for isn’t much better:

According to documents Brown’s staff provided, nearly $23,000 was spent last year from the employee appreciation fund, accumulated with jeans days’ contributions, to pay for an the annual appreciation dinner held at a union hall. She provided an overall accounting, canceled checks and bank account statements.

More than $29,000 was spent on an annual picnic. Expenses included more than $13,000 spent on raffle tickets and prizes, and more than $9,000 on “sr. staff game supplies.”

She also provided checks indicating $11,814 was donated to charitable causes, including money to help employee Marie Norred after a fire at her home and $8,961 for the American Hearth Association.

But she conceded she could not produce records for other jeans days that are approved for various departments within her office. Brown said at least 22 jeans days were held last year.


So the money largely went to two events in the office and then some very worthy causes including the employee who lost her home.  Excellent.

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