“House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert has used an Illinois trust to invest in real estate near the proposed route of the Prairie Parkway…

So says the Sunlight Foundation in a post here.

Hat tip to TPM Muckracker.

UPDATE:: Blogger Sweet, as she likes to refer to herself, has an update in today’s Suntimes. If the Trib did something, it’s taking me too damn long to navigate the stupid front page to find it. Will look later.

0 thoughts on ““House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert has used an Illinois trust to invest in real estate near the proposed route of the Prairie Parkway…”
  1. Is anyone surprised?

    How about the cherry location of the Parkway in relation to John Menard’s warehouse east of Plano? Direct access to a big, big Republican donor.

    But wait! There’s more! We haven’t found all the links to the trusts yet. My Kane County friends say they’re all up and down the route.

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