Via Kos
Via Political Wire
Haley Barbour went to the CofCC picnic.
The dirtbags at the Council of Conservative Citizens are pieces of work. They are unreconstructed racists of the worst kind. How does the GOP establishment justify them?
Let’s look at a couple examples, comparing Bush to Lincoln—in a bad way. By the Mississipi CofCC, the same one Barbour met with. Lincoln is evil to these guys. Why? Figure it out.
Remember these clowns from other issues? You should if you are a regular ArchPundit reader,
My single biggest day of hits came from last December’s article by Joe Conason on Trent Lott and Ashcroft’s ties to the Council of Conservative Citizens.
Link to the original Conason article in the above link. The point being Ashcroft couldn’t have not known that Tom Bugel was scum. Just as Haley couldn’t not know that that scum he is seen pictured with are indeed scum of the worst variety.
But don’t let that stop him from claiming ignorance
The presence of the flag in Barbour’s campaign comes as he aggressively courts support from black voters. The Council of Conservative Citizens, which advocates immigration control and preserving state symbols and has been accused of being racist, uses Barbour’s picture on its Web site. Barbour has said he not only did not know his picture was on the Web site, but also he does not know what the council is.
My ass he doesn’t.
This story has been floating around Jackson since at least September 26th on the Jackson Free Press site.
And guess who else is in the pic? A one Bill Lord, former campaign Chairman in Carroll County, Mississippi to Trent Lott’s Senate campaigns.
The goto place on this stuff is the Temple of Democracy which has started a blog
No permalinks, but it is critical to understand that Lott got nailed for his ties to the CofCC due to attending a Blackhawk Rally a few years ago. Barbour is lying and lying badly.