He’s Taking Care of the Debt?

This is classic:

In 1992, he was asked to run for Senate again and won the Republican Party primary outright. But he again lost, taking just 29 percent of the vote against Sen. Barbara Mikulski.

As late as 2000, his 1992 Senate campaign owed creditors $54,000, though Keyes ultimately settled the debt by paying a percentage of what the campaign owed. He still owes creditors a total of $524,000 for his 1996 and 2000 presidential campaigns, according to federal campaign filings. But he told the State Central Committee that he is taking care of that debt, Syverson said.

Umm…why yes, he’s running up another debt.

One thought on “He’s Taking Care of the Debt?”
  1. From his acceptance party today:

    “Barack Obama abandons the principles of our Declaration (of Independence) and destroys the foundation of our national union,” Keyes said.

    Keyes admitted his lack of knowledge of Illinois and spoke a great deal about his love of Maryland, where his father is from.


    Trying to think which principles Barack is destroying…. everyone created equal? we all have rights to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness? that the purpose of government is to secure these rights? That their power is supposed to be with the consent of the people? That if it isn’t working we’re supposed to change it?

    Or had he by some chance erected “a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat their substance.” Perhaps “He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.”

    Tell us Alan, we want to know.

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