McCain wants to cancel Friday so they have to then make it next Thursday and we, unfortunately, will have to go without a VP Debate.

0 thoughts on “Here’s the Play”
  1. A not-so-very-clever ruse….

    Wasn’t McCain the one who wanted to debate Obama 10 bajillion times (even bizarrely going so far as to blame Obama’s “thanks, but no thanks” for all of his own negative smears and lies against Obama)?

    Now he’s trying to call a time out to avoid the first debate?

    I’ve heard of lowering expectations before a debate… but is uberlobbyist/McCain bag man Rick Davis really that worried?

    I don’t recall Alan Keyes wimping out before the 2004 debates.

  2. McCain is taking lessons from Blago. This is like Blago coming to Springfield.

    Two observations from other sources.

    It seems that today during the time Barack Obama was waiting to hear back from Sen. McCain about their planned joint statement — and while McCain says he was meeting with key advisors and becoming increasingly concerned about the financial crisis facing the country — he was actually holding a special meeting with Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, the expat international financier who once supported Hillary Clinton but now is supporting McCain because she thinks Obama is “elitist”.

    Barney Franks called McCains gambit the “longest Hail Mary in either the history of football or Marys”

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