Should be back to normal sometime tomorrow, but in terribly sad news, it would certainly seem likely that Matt Hale’s minions have murdered the mother and husband of US Judge Joan Lefkow. Certainly it could be a sad coincidence of random crime, but most likely this is a domestic act of terrorism and it is most likely to lead to a crackdown on Hale’s associates like they never imagined. And it won’t be enough. Judge Lefkow did nothing but act as a neutral enforcer of the law and for that we should all feel grateful.
For those terrorists who attack civilians to further their political point of view–you’ll lose.
And make no mistake about it, by attacking her family this is a terrorist attack. One might be able to classify a murder of a judge as a insurgent or guerilla attack as it is on an agent of the state–still just as wrong, but a different kind of attack.
Killing innocents is nothing new to the Hale crew as Hale henchman Benjamin Smith killed Ricky Birdsong amongst others in a two state killing spree.
Thank you for not calling Hale a “right-wing nut.” He’s a criminal and a terrorist – you’re exactly right.
Never occurred to me–I reserve the right to call him a right wing nut, but not in the context of putting him in the category of everyone on the right.
IP, Does this mean you renounce the Right’s rhetoric linking its critics with terrorists?
Sure do. Always have, I think. Such rhetoric is harmful to our political discourse. So is Howard Dean calling me evil, too, though.
Can you give me an example, though, so I can renounce it right here?
He called you evil? Really? Where did he do that? The Drudge link doesn’t say that. What he says is that there is a struggle between good and evil and he points out that struggle as being with people who view tolerance as a bad thing and exploit differences to divide people.
Do you think tolerance is bad? If so, well then maybe he did, but then the shoe fits. If not, you are simply being a tool for Drudge.
[T]oday’s Democrats give support to the Islamic terrorists.
Bush and the Neo Cons are the one that obsessively label other human beings evil.
BTW, if Hale stuck to preaching what is the “clear and bright line” between his ideology and the Right Wing of the GOP?
For some reason, I can’t post. Have I been banned. 🙂
I give up. “questionable content,” indeed.
Send me the text in an e-mail and I’ll figure it out–there’s issues with some words and the SPAM filter.
IP, if it make you feel better I had trouble posting earlier too.
BTW, if Hale stuck to preaching what is the “clear and bright line” between his ideology and the Right Wing of the GOP?
Wow! This post really got under IlliniPundit’s skin.
Read his response on his blog.
I wonder if Matt Hale just ensured the political survival of the IL death penalty?
I kind of doubt it’ll impact it much—I’m pretty sure this is federal jurisdiction.
This is the true face of the far right. Of the wingnuts. These people are the “engine” that drives the neocons. They exploit hatred, religious intolerance, greed.. all the worst failings of mankind to further their personal and collective interests.
When someone tells you that we must “reach out” to moderate republicans.. that we must “be more like them” to win.. remember that this is what hides under the the bedrock of the Gop. No.. they arent all racists.. or terrorists.. or even hatemongers. But they provide it cover. They provide it aid and comfort. They use its tactics and approve by silence their actions.
When pressed to define the difference between the Right Wing of th GOP and Hale, IlliniPundit said the Right Wing of the GOP is opposed to segregation and supports equality.
Anybody want to comment on this?
Go here:
Top of page 75: “Our nation is a land of opportunity for all, and our communities must represent
the ideal of equality and justice for every citizen. The Republican Party favors
aggressive, proactive measures to ensure that no individual is discriminated against on
the basis of race, national origin, gender, or other characteristics covered by our civil
rights laws.”
Jeez, you’re a jerk.
IP, I respect you as a blogger. After all, you had something nice to say about what I wrote.
I do request you dispense with the namecalling.
Quoting some high-minded ideels from a party platform hardly proves what the party is about.
The discussion started about the Right Wing of the GOP, not the mainstream party. But I’m willing to discuss both.
Your position is that the GOP favors equality and opposes segregation, is this correct?
My position is that the GOP has used code language to appeal to Whites that think government has done too much to advance the cause of Blacks, feminists, homosexuals and immigrants. And that the GOP is willing to discriminate against Blacks when it suits its interests.
Jeez, you’re so frustrating.
First, I consider myself to be from the right-wing of the GOP. So when you say that we’re the racist wing of the party, that upsets me. And when you do it repeatedly, that makes you a jerk. How is that worse than you calling me a racist?
Code language? You’re telling me that you know better than I do how to interpret what I believe? You can read my mind now? You somehow know when I don’t really mean what I’m saying, that what I really mean when I talk about something is that black people should be subjugated and discriminated against? Who the F do you think you are? I mean, what gives you the right to say the things you do? It’s absolutely reprehensible, and you just won’t stop.
I hope I didn’t use the term “racist” to describe you or Right Wing ideology. I don’t like using the term in discussions because it means significantly different things to different people.
IP, I have a right to say pretty much whatever in a political discussion. You have the right to rebut or refute it.
Believe it or not I am in favor of increasing understanding of issues and thinking about them in new ways. I’m not trying to bludgeon you into agreeing to something you don’t support.
Gee, that’s funny. When you airily asked “what is the “clear and bright line” between his ideology and the Right Wing of the GOP?” I understood it to mean that you were calling me a racist. Perhaps I should have said segregationist. Regardless, the fact that you’re a jerk still applies.
For the past 24 hours, you’ve been all about making the same disgusting implication over, and over, and over, and over, on multiple sites, until I pointed out something that you already knew about that showed you how wrong you are. Now, you want to claim that you’re not about bludgeoning people? And you wonder why I’m upset?
Can you guys move this to e-mail? No one else is having the conversation so I’d prefer it become a private one.
Sorry, I thought this whole thing was over until he started gloating over here this morning. I apologize for the abuse to your comments. Keep up the great work on your blog.