About as interesting as growing up in Normal–only it doesn’t sound funny.

Other fine moments include a truly awful column on the Cubs extolling Murphy’s Bleachers.  WTF?  Maybe we can talk about Excalibur next.

Big credit for getting Dan Johnson-Weinberger and Alexander Russo, but so far, HuffPo Chicago sucks.

Really, stories about under $200,000 condos in Oak Park?  The best pancakes at a north side hip high end pastry shop, a guy saying how fucking cool his Sommelier, and a highlighted story on the Brown Line?  That’s Chicago? What’s next–a discussion of the how cool Treasure Island Foods?

Inspired by Austin Mayor

I wonder if they know there is an Austin in Chicago?  It’s the place you go through with your doors locked and windows rolled up to get to those under $200,000 condos in Oak Park!

0 thoughts on “Growing Up In Glenview”
  1. Zzzz zzzz zzzz … Nice idea, but a huge miss on the execution of that idea. Welcome to flyover country.

    Cusack talking about his ideas would be better than him writing a yearbook entry. And Gertz on Glenview? You “kicked the can” spot on.

  2. Agree, been really interested in the site and checking it often, and I’ really disappointed. It’ll take time, I guess, for them to develop sources and scoop some reporters, but for crying out loud, the ST and Trib have been bleeding people for years that could easily fill that gap. Maybe they should make you editor in chief and then you and Aaron Chambers can get them off the ground.

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