Steve Chapman:

But the administration keeps trying the same things it has tried before, because it can’t admit that Iraq was an irredeemable error. As one official confided to the Times: “We’re reliving all of the issues that have been discussed since 2003. It’s like `Groundhog Day.'” Except the movie had a happy ending.

Via Americablog

More later….

2 thoughts on “Groundhog Day”
  1. In 2000,Chapman strongly endorsed Shrub over Gore. He called Gore a liar based solely on articles in the New York Times and the Washington Post

    I wrote an email to Chapman in Sept 2000 asking for any evidence that the NYT/Post articles were either true or accurate. He condescendingly wrote back that these were ‘papers of record’.

    Half a million dead and wounded later, Chapman pretends to see the light.

    Chapman is the living embodiment of what ails the United States — stupidity and laziness at the highest levels.

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