Getting Back to Normal…

After the most recent wingnut eruption sidetracked the normal content of the blog again, today should be back to the typical Illinois politics and national affairs obsession I have. But later, I have a day job and such.

In a show of good taste, the Trib wouldn’t allow Eric Zorn to link directly to the letter. I don’t blame them. I would probably have suppressed the letter but for two reasons. One, Holt was a school board member in Saint Louis. He and his allies came close to taking a Board Majority about a decade ago. I’m going to create a list of those articles on the new blog (it’s coming) for easy access.

Second, I have blogged regularly on the Council of Conservative Citizens. Most recently was on October 15 (the day my hiatus started) with Haley Barbour’s visit to the Mississippi Black Hawk Barbecue.

I think the letter accurately represents their views and as they have some influence, that is more influence than they should have. Holt claims he was drunk. I say he was honest. Despicable, but honest.

While racist wingnuts are a common topic here, a far superior blog for that sort of info is at The Temple of Democracy which is the go to place for all white supremacist related info. I have reservations about his Dean comments, but that is a minor quibble given the high quality of research he provides on neo-confederates.

I also have some audio clips, but I need to host them somewhere that can handle the bandwidth.

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