A doozy from the National Review Online. In a fairly thoughtful piece on the norms of democracy that could have been written by George Will (except he’s a better writer), Jonah Goldberg offers reasons why Keyes candidacy is bad for democracy. Fair enough, until he drops this bombshell
In fact, Keyes wants to repeal the 17th Amendment, which empowers voters rather than state legislatures to elect senators.
To which my inbox commentator has a new slogan idea:
“Keyes – The last vote you’ll ever need to cast.”
I’m telling you, the GOP is anti-democratic! They don’t like participatory democracy!!! Keyes is not alone in that sentiment.
But it got me thinking … I think I know the answer to this one … but what’s AK’s stand on the whole Article I Section 2 of the constitution question – you know, the whole 3/5 rule? I mean, my handy dandy Constitution says it was superceded by section 2 of the 14th Amendment, but … what about original intent and all that?!
I’m sure he has a brilliant answer that ties together Lincoln and Natural Law and (of course) the Declaration and all that. I’m just wondering how that squares with his opposition to the 17th.
Wait, why am I even considering his logic? He’s a loon! I’ve been tricked! NEVERMIND!!!
While Keyes slogans no doubt come easy, here’s what first popped in my mind: “Oh, darlin’, save the last vote for me.”
Yes the GOP is anti-democratic. And so is the anti-Democratic Party, err Democratic Party. And so is Barack Obama. Alan Keyes’ position on democartic elections is better than Barack Obama’s, so I wouldn’t try making that comparison.